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Q: When you fall a sleep and then wake up it feels like one second?
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How does sleep walking feel?

It feels like your just have a dream that your walking somewhere but be careful not to bump into any things then fall then wake up.

Why is it that sometimes when you sleep a short time it seems like it was a long time and other times you sleep all night and it seems like it was only a couple of minutes?

The reason is when you sleep a short amount of time you are usually really tired so it feels like you had a good night sleep, whereas at night when you sleep you do it nightly so you are used to it and it feels really short.

What can bear do?

Bears eat, sleep, poop, and protect their cubs. If it feels like its going to be attacked or feels threatened, it will attack.

When does a blue whale sleep?

The Blue Whale sleeps when it feels like it so there is no actual time.

What month do brown bears fall in to deep sleep?

Brown bears do not fall into a deep sleep. That is a false cartoon outlook on bears hibernating. Bears sleep nightly like humans, and do not need hibernation.

How do you connect your self to the horse bareback when it feels you will fall off?

Mostly when it feels like you will fall off the horse you use you weight ( seat) and grabbing onto the horses mane always works to.

What season is it?

Technically, it is still Fall. In some places (like here in Chicago), it feels like winter. In other places, it feels like summer!!! Hope that helped!!! LOVE Nicole

What is it like being in second?

It feels great o be in second because, at least you tried and like they always say first is the worst, second is the best!

What does an earthquake feel like?

An earthquake can feel like shaking or trembling of the ground. It may be accompanied by a rolling or swaying motion, similar to being on a boat. The intensity and duration of shaking can vary depending on the magnitude of the earthquake.

How much sleep does a tiger sleep a day?

Anytime it feels like, I suppose.

What is the meaning of sleep like a horse?

It means you only sleep little. Horses can sleep standing and for 2hrs at a time to regenerate

Do rainbow trout sleep?

Sort of, but they are supported by the water so they don't as tired as us. There for, there for they don't fall into a deep sleep like we do.