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cos i feel i have done some off loading?

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Q: When you eject semen why do you feel good?
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What is a good sentence for the word eject?

My VCR will no longer eject tapes.

What if you can't feel the semen?

spit it back out You need to specify your gender. Are you a female and can't feel the semen enter your vagina, or are you a male and can't feel the semen travelling along your penis?

Is women semen good for health?

Women do not produce semen.

Eating women semen good for you?

Woman do not produce semen.

Is it good to swallow semen?

After all there is no harm in swallowing your partners semen.

What if the person semen has he pa virus can you swallow the semen?

no good mon

What is the effect of conserving semen on body?

Conserving semen has no benefits. It is a myth (wrong belief) that conserving semen is good.

Do men enjoy when you swallow their semen?

Some seem to have a bit of a hang up about it. other are not all that worried. It is good from the mans point of view if the woman is not worried about getting semen in her mouth though. The same as it is good for the woman to feel that the man has no negative feelings about her juices so to speak.

Do guys feel it when they accidentally release semen?

yes, they feel it all the way out even sleeping.

How much quantity of semen eject after orsm of 21 year old man?

Most adult men ejaculate an average of about 2 tablespoons of semen, but the amount could be more or less depending on the person and also depending on how much time has passed since the last ejaculation.

How come boys semen smells so good?

If your semen smells nice, your sick. Semen smells like a sort of bleach.

What does semen feel like when exposed to a towel?

It feels like snot.