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Q: When working with older people you need to work in a way that minimises the effects of stereotypical attitudes on the person?
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What can workers do to minimise the effects of stereotypical attitudes when working with older people?

to provide a range of interventions and support that are effective for the specific needs of individuals, carers, families and sibling.

Why is it important to avoid stereotypical language when working with children?

Mostly because it will effect the children

What is an ocker?

A stereotypical Aussie i.e. an Australian, but one of a particular type: a rough and uncultivated working man. Think of the Australian characters in the Crocodile Dundee films, especially the Paul Hogan one, all stereotypical Ockers.

What sort of hard liquor would be favored by your stereotypical working class Cockney British barfly?

Scotch and Irish whisky.

What are the negative effects of working while studying?

There are many negative effects of working on something else while studying. These effects include distraction, not being able to be completely devoted to either task, and confusion.

What are negative attitudes from managers?

in my eyes, he just keep forcing to work, and spy you to see if you are working hard. that is too bad.

What are some of the characteristics that Annie Sullivan had when working with Hellen Keller?

They both had attitudes but they also had great courage to learn together.

What is a living and working quarters for astronauts in space?

effects and accommodations

A method of working against the effects of a poisonous substance?


Why is my mask not working in After Effects?

Your mask in After Effects may not be working due to issues such as incorrect settings, layer order, or mask path. Check these factors to ensure your mask functions properly.

What was the stereotypical role of the 1950s women?

The "Leave it to Beaver" type mom was the stereotype of the fifties woman.

What does the US owe Mexico?

You mean culturally? The most important would be the stereotypical cowboy, which was copied from the Mexican cowhands working on former Mexican territories, including Texas, New Mexico or California.