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It varies quite a bit; some 13-year-old boys will have some chest hair, while some men don't start growing any until they're in their 30s. Men's body hair doesn't finish growing until somewhere in their 30s.

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Q: When will men start to get chest hair?
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Why does chest hair not come in until you get in your thirties?

Different men get chest hair at different times. Many 13- or 16-year-olds will have some, and for a lot of men their chest hair grows in in their 20s, but most men's body hair doesn't finish growing in until they're in their 30s. You could be completely hairless and then suddenly start growing body hair in your 30s. Not all men develop chest hair, however, but most men have at least some.

Does cirrhosis affect chest hair?

Men sometimes lose chest hair

What percentage of men have chest hair?

64% of white men do have chest hair, according to a study quoted by Wikipedia.

Does working out help mens chest hair growth?

Unfortunately chest hair growth/pattern has to do with genetics and nothing else: there is nothing you can do to get more chest hair to grow, and the only way to reduce chest hair permanently is electrolysis or laser hair removal. Most men don't realize it, but their body hair keeps growing in throughout their 20s; if you are genetically predisposed to have chest hair, it might start growing in when you are 16, 25, or 30. It just depends. Men with light chest hair in their teens and 20s may find in their 30s that their chest hair gets denser or more widespread. The best gauge is to look at your father, brothers, grandfathers, and uncles: if they have chest hair, you probably will too.

When do boys start getting chest hair?

Boys typically start getting chest hair during puberty, which generally occurs between the ages of 9 and 14. The timing can vary from person to person, and genetics play a role in determining when this secondary sexual characteristic will develop.

What foods will stimulate hair growth on my chest?

None; chest hair and body hair are determined by genetics and age and by nothing else. If the adult men in your family have chest hair, then you probably will get some too--though in many men chest hair doesn't grow in, or grow in fully, until their 30s.

Do men in their sixties grow chest hair?


Do girls like chest hair?

Different women have different tastes; probably about half of women prefer some chest hair on men--and some of them even prefer LOTS of chest hair.

Why does sam love men?

because he like chest hair

When does chest hair growth peak?

It varies dramatically. A few men will have a thick mat of chest hair before they are 18; other men are relatively smooth-chested in their teens and 20s and then develop a lot of chest hair in their 30s. Typically, however, you should have a sense for how hairy your chest will be by the age of 25 or so.

Is it normal to start growing chest and belly hair after turning 40 when I've never had any before?

Yeah, that happens to lots of men when they get older.

Why do men have hair on their chest back arms legs?

It's a special characteristic 4 men !