This is a difficult question to answer exactly for two reasons: 1. Doctor/patient confidentiality rules mean that even if a doctor was the first to diagnose a patient with the disorder, he would not be permitted to say who it was. The patient would have to come forward him/herself, and most patients prefer to stay private. 2. ADHD has evolved, both in name and classification, since doctor's first started to notice patients with attention related symptoms. It is believed that a British doctor, Dr. George Still, was the first person to recognize and diagnose the condition in 1902. However, he did not call it ADHD, but rather a "Defect of Moral Control" disorder. To the best of my knowledge, the names of the children he described in his papers were not released.
It is believed that a British doctor, Dr. George Still, was the first person to recognize and diagnose the condition in 1902. However, he did not call it ADHD, but rather a "Defect of Moral Control" disorder. To the best of my knowledge, the names of the children he described in his papers were not released.Read more: Who_was_the_first_person_to_be_diagnosed_with_ADHD
first of all see if they are a loud person then ask them if they now what adhd is if they are a loud person and do not not now what adhd is then they are retarted
It was first described in 1882
what scientist first described pangea
ADHDΒ is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders of childhood. It is usually first diagnosed in childhood and often lasts into adulthood.
ADHD in children were first reognized and labeled in the year 1902, more than one hundred years ago. Mentions of this disease dates back to the 1700s, though.
It could be described as the first bird.
ADHD is genetic. If you think they learned it somewhere, then that is a behavior disorder and not ADHD.
Patau syndrome was first described by Dr. Klaus Patau in 1960.
No, he does not have ADHD.
Sheckler does have ADHD.