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Q: When two people make a serious commitment to making a life together they enter a?
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What is a very serious commitment made between two people who agree to work to make a life together?


Does commitment issues mean that you are afraid of long term relationships?

Yes, commitment issues typically refer to a fear or reluctance to enter into or maintain long-term relationships or obligations. People with commitment issues may feel anxious, unsure, or avoidant when it comes to making serious commitments or forming deep emotional connections with others.

What does it mean when a man tell his fiancee to wait some more years before he marry her?

He might not be ready for that type of commitment. Marriage is a serious bond between two people and he may not be ready for something as serious as holy matrimony.

Is casual dating a bad thing to do?

Casual daters usually have little to no morals. They see sex as a fun activity and not as a serious, emotionally involved activity. Serious dating involves commitment, emotions and time. Casual daters are not very serious and have no morals, which can make some people angry.

What is gallows humor?

Making fun of serious subjects to lighten the mood and ease people's fright.

How to make him realize he is making a mistake when he left you two weeks ago and said he felt stuck since we planned on getting married next fall and spending the rest of our lives together?

Some people get cold feet before a wedding, but in this case 'forever' is a long time and he may not be ready for the commitment of marriage. It is not up to you to decide whether he is making a mistake or not. If you want to stay together then it would be wise to put your marriage plans off for a year and get to know each other better before making this very serious commitment to marriage. If you push him into marriage the marriage will not have a strong basis to survive. Telephone him (don't text him) and tell him the wedding can be put off. He may feel calmer knowing this, but, don't give him anymore than a year of your time to decide if he wants to marry you or not. Take the relationship slow and easy during that year if he accepts your proposal to get back together again and nix the wedding plans.

Should you be a bridesmaid for your friend if you are an 19 year old male and she wants you to wear a dress like her friends?

Why are you even asking for an answer to this question - NO WAY !! I should think not. This is making a mockery out of a very serious ceremony - when two people make the firm commitment to cherish each other for the rest of their lives. <br>

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when two people make the effort to work through a conflict together, it shows their commitment to each other.

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Zany means wild, crazy and full of fun. Zealous means full of zeal, enthusiasm and commitment. Zealous people are perhaps a little too serious.

How many people help to making garden?

1- 5 people can make a garden together

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The people who are making the "Artificial Brains" for China are Chen Xiaxoi, and Ben Goertzel together in the making.

What does 바람둥이 mean?

"바람둥이" is a Korean term that refers to someone who is fickle in romantic relationships and tends to play the field, often dating multiple people at the same time without any serious commitment. It can be used in a negative or playful context to describe someone who is flirty or not committed to a serious relationship.