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I don't know,

why don't you consider asking a doctor?

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should paracetamol be taken with or without food

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Q: When to use paracetamol that is before or after food?
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What is Butilhioscina-Paracetamol use for?


What may happened if Paracetamol is taken without food?

High dosage use without food may arise upper gastrointestinal complications (like stomach bleeding, esophageal perforation, etc).

Why is anemia a precaution for the use of paracetamol?

Anemia is a precaution for the use of paracetamol due to its potential to cause liver damage. There are types of anemia which are caused by liver disease.

What is the use of paracetamol flugard?

Flugard, I believe, is taken if someone experiences headache since flugard only contains paracetamol.

How do you use paracetamol?

For headache cure

Medications used before blood transfusion?

hydrocotizon +phenergan +paracetamol

What would you use to fight a cold?

Paracetamol and eucalyptus oil.

Is there a non aspirin remedy to fever?

yes,one can use paracetamol

What is cure in paracetamol for kids?

always consult a physician before using drugs for kids , they are sensitive to them

Can you take Viagra and paracetamol together?

yes. paracetamol and voltaren or any other type of NSAID makes a great pain killer. either on their own will be good for light to moderate paid, but combined they are even better. never combine two types of NSAID pain killers together tho. ie, don't mix voltaren with ibuprofen, etc.

When and where did paracetamol start being used?

Paracetamols started in the world before you were born losers!! f**k you

How do you use opigesic paracetamol suppositories?

via anal...given every four hours