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Q: When the body cannot compensate for uncontrollable bleeding the result is?
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Can you use unsweetened chocolate squares in a reicpe that calls for semisweet chocolate squares?

You can, but you will not like the result. It will be bitter and you really cannot add enough sugar to compensate for it.

Can a newborn girl have a period?

No, a newborn girl cannot menstruate - although newborn girls can have vaginal bleeding, it's a result of mothers hormones on the babies body, perfectly normal.

You skipped a pill and am bleeding?

Missing a birth control pill can result in breakthrough bleeding. As the hormone level in your body drops, bleeding can occur.

Internal bleeding in a miscarriage can result to the emergency room?

if you are pregnant and bleeding a lot yes, you should go to the hospital.

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How do you treat a bullet wound?

Get medical attention ASAP. It's not advisable to take treatment by yourself in this case. Never pull the bullet from the body as if it was lodged in vital areas like nerves or arteries it would result in uncontrollable bleeding. You can use tourniquet or belt to tighten around the affected part to cut the blood flow.

Can i take a pregnancy test while I'm bleeding?

no it can give you a negative result. best to wait til your not bleeding anymore.

Can implantation bleeding be heavy with twins?

Yes, implantation bleeding is the result of a fertilized egg(s) embedding itself into the uterine lining.

Can you get a negative result with break through bleeding?

yes consult your doctor

What type of anemia involves a bleeding ulcer?

The anemiacondition which is result of hemorrhage

Why did Ronnie have an anal bleeding problem?

As a result of his excessive alcohol consumption.

What complications can follow an endometrial biopsy?

Some bleeding may result afterwards.