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In some cases it does. I would still highly recommend a tampon because there is the high risk that you can still leak. The pressure from the water is what "stops" it. If you were to cough, laugh, or sneeze, the pressure of the blood exiting the body could change and result in a leak. Good Luck!

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

Unless you are bleeding like a stuck pig, it 'stops'. However when u get out of the water, you will need to get a tampon ( or pad). swimming: not for EXTRA heavy bleeders

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βˆ™ 15y ago

generally, no. but vigorous exercise can affect your cycle.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

No, but periods can delay swimming.

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Q: When swimming does your period stop?
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Your period is heavy and will not stop can you go swimming?

no you can not go swimming when your period is heavy. When it is at they very end and its not that heavy your period will not stop in the water, but will be held back. Also, if you go swimming and you have your period when you get out of the pool it might start to drip down your leg.

What should you do if your period is due but you want to go swimming?

you either have to stop or wear a tampon

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if your on your period before your date then go swimming so it might stop quicker, it depend if it's heavy or not if it's light it will stop but if it's heavy it won't work

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Tuen Mun Swimming Pool Stop was created in 1991.

What should you do if your on your period swimming?

tampons if you are swimming etc but if in the bath, nothing :)

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simultaneous swimming is when you swim constantly and don't stop.

How long after your period can you go swimming?

You can always swim even on your period!

Can you be active during your period?

Yes you can. Being on your period doesn't mean you have to stop your daily routine. If you go swimming make sure you use tampons. To find more information about periods go to Hope this has helped

Can you get your period while swimming?

No, your period doesn't stop in water - this is a common myth. Menstruation can sometimes appear to stop in water because when light what little blood leaves your body is diluted by the water, but it doesn't stop and heavier flow will be noticed. If you want to go in the bath you can do so at any time, but if wanting to go in the water to swim you need to use internal menstrual products such as tampons, softcups, diaphragms, or menstrual cups.

Is it true that sharks never stop swimming?

Yes they do when they are sleeping. They tend to just float when they are asleep.