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No , when that happens you cough alot but other than that your body is okay!! No , when that happens you cough alot but other than that your body is okay!!

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Q: When swallowing food or liquids and breathing at the same time does anything go wrong like coughing or anything else?
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Where swallowing food or liquids and breathing at the same time causes coughing would it worsen gastroesophageal reflex disease?

Yes, swallowing food or liquids and breathing at the same time can lead to coughing and potentially worsen symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). The coughing may increase the pressure in the abdomen, leading to more reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus. This can exacerbate the symptoms of GERD such as heartburn and regurgitation.

What part of the brain controls swallowing?

Swallowing is controlled by the brainstem, specifically the medulla oblongata. This region coordinates movements of the muscles involved in swallowing to ensure that food and liquids are safely transported from the mouth to the esophagus.

Is the respiratory system affected by Multiple sclerosis?

Pneumonia can be a complication of MS if the MS has caused swallowing problems (dysphagia), which cause choking and coughing. When this occurs, food and liquids can be aspirated into the airway/lungs. Particles that remain in the lungs can cause aspiration pneumonia.

What aftercare is associated with rectal resection?

.The patient is taught how to support the incision during deep breathing and coughing, and given pain medication as necessary.Fluids and electrolytes are given intravenously until the patient's diet can be resumed, starting with liquids.

What is the Medical term meaning expulsion of liquids out of the nose when swallowing?

nasopharyngeal reflux

Where does the glottis lead?

The glottis leads to the windpipe or trachea, which connects the larynx to the lungs. It serves as the gateway for air to pass through during breathing. It also plays a role in preventing food or liquids from entering the airway when swallowing.

What is the use of swallowing?

Swallowing is the process of moving food and liquid from the mouth to the stomach through the esophagus. It allows the body to obtain nutrients and hydration from the food and liquids we consume.

What prevents food or liquids from getting to the lungs?


Advantage of the breathing tract cross the alimentary canal in the throat?

This anatomical arrangement allows for efficient sharing of space and resources between the respiratory and digestive systems. It also helps in coordinating functions like swallowing and breathing, as they both pass through the throat. Additionally, having a shared passageway minimizes the risk of food or liquids entering the trachea during swallowing.

Do you swallow out of the same tube you breath?

No, humans have two separate tubes for breathing and swallowing. The trachea carries air to and from the lungs, while the esophagus carries food and liquids to the stomach. These two tubes are completely separate and do not overlap.

Is swallowing and eating the same thing?

Swallowing is the process of moving food or liquid from the mouth to the stomach through the esophagus. Eating involves chewing food, mixing it with saliva, and then swallowing it. Swallowing is just one step in the process of eating.

When you cough you throw up why?

Coughing while throwing up acts just like a gag reflex. Its there to help prevent Aspiration Pneumonia... which is inhaling something that isn't supposed to be inhaled like food, liquids, saliva and vomit virtually anything that isn't air. Coughing will help to keep it from getting into your lungs... its another defence mechanism the body has.