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If it is the first pack you have ever started, you must wait a month or use condoms for that month. If you continuously take the pill when you are supposed to and don't miss any pills, you can have sex right away.

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Q: When starting a new packet after your period can you have intercourse straight away after jst taking one pill or do you need to take the pill for seven days?
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You will be starting a new birth control packet on Mon but you still have your period is that normal?

yes your appose 2 have periodes

If I am going on my honeymoon in July and will possibly be on that week Can I start taking birth control pills 2 Sundays after my period to change the date of my next period for next month?

What you should do (with the OK from your doctor) is to take your BCP the way you have been - but skip the inactive pills and go straight to the new packet. You will skip your period and have it when you finish the second packet.

Will your period stop if you have intercourse?


Can you start your period two days after sex and be pregnant?

Starting your period two days after intercourse, is the sign that you had ovulated about 10 - 12 days prior to having sex - so you are not pregnant.

If I have my period before starting the sugar pills of my Birth Control Pack is it possible for me to get pregnant during this time?

As long as you did not skip any of the "active" pills in the packet, you are protected from pregnancy every day - including the week of your period and while taking the "inactive" sugar pills. Start your new packet on schedule.

Brown semen after intercorse. Ive missed my period and thought it was my period starting but still no sign 24 hours after intercourse. Am I pregnant?

no it takes at least 4 days for body to show if pregnant or not

How do i get pregnant?

You can get pregnant by injecting male samon. Or The highest pregnancy rates occur in couples who have intercourse every day or every other day. Have intercourse near the time of ovulation. If having intercourse every day isn't possible — or enjoyable — have intercourse every 2 to 3 days a week starting soon after the end of your period.

Why do you have to wait until the Sunday after your period to start birth control?

You have to wait to take it til the Sunday after you start your period so that it can properly regulate your period. This way you are sure to have your period every 28 days.AnswerYou don't, you can start the pill any day of the week. If your period starts on a Monday, start taking the pill then. The only reason for starting on a Sunday is that the packet starts on a Sunday so you start at the beginning of a packet and work through to the end. Many women find this helps them remember and they don't have to go back to the beginning of the packet to take the last few pills. However if you find it easy to remember start at the beginning of your period, then you are protected from pregnancy immediately, just make sure you take all the pills in the packet.

Is it possible to get pregnant if you intercourse after period?

Yes, it is very possible to get pregnant anytime you have intercourse. VERY RARELY do women even get pregnant while on their period.

Was Mary a virgin becaue she had not had a period?

she may had a period, she was a virgin because she had not had intercourse

Should you start a new pack of birth control after skipping a couple pills and starting your period early?

If you missed three or more pills you may want to start a new packet.

What kind of sore can cause bleeding on your vaginal opening after intercourse?

something could have been torn during intercourse. Was there some pain after and or when going to the bathroom? If so, could be a small tear. Give it a day or so to heal. If not, could it have been your period starting?