I would suggest counseling. Maybe talk to him/her first. If nothing works, get a divorce or leave him/her.
willeverythingbeok.com (:
You can't. People have the free will to choose and will love whom they love, no matter what another person does. You can tell lies about the said person to make them seem less desirable.
when someone calls you there everything it means that with out you they are nothing which also means you are like a power source to them they need you they love you very much to say something like that to you Answer The above answer is exactly true. When someone is your everything, with them you can get through anything. Without them, there is no light in your life. When you truly love someone they are your everything. Without them there is no joy, no real happiness, or the emotional intensity that such love adds to your life.
You love someone who lies to you, cheats on you, and uses drugs?
Lies of Love was created in 1949.
The duration of Lies of Love is 600.0 seconds.
Here Lies Love was created in 2008.
Kids Love Lies ended in 2010.
Kids Love Lies was created in 2007.
well when you really care about someone when you are older you will know how it feels. then you will really care about them and love them. loving someone means to risk everything for them and go to the end of the world for them.
it is everything, but don't let them stomp on your heart, ===I had someone ripped it out and POUNDED on it.===
if you tell your sister everything and she lies to you she is a bad sister but it depends on the lie