You don't. If something is gifted to someone, it remains theirs permanently.
No, once they have given you the item it is then officially yours and you have the option whether to give the item back or not.
He means he wants to be with you but he also wants to try something new out. So when you talk he's saying let the relationship play which in other terms means let me sleep with her a time or two and we can be back together.
well, if she desperately wants you back, I'm sure she'll eventually do something about it...but for now i would just say start looking for someone else.
by asking him/her if he/she still wants you back or change a little bit and see if he/she wants to get back together with you or ask him/her if you want to get back together
Talk to him. Maybe you can work something out.
Taking something from under someone's feet means to take something from someone behind their back. For example, John is looking at a certain house, and Joe knows that, but he wants the house too, and goes behind his back and signs on the house. That would be taking the house from under John's feet.
Whether a friend; family member or an ex boyfriend loans you something you have an obligation to give it back. 'Ex' means the relationship is over so you have no reason to keep whatever it is of his you have. Grow up!
He likes you. He wants attention. Do it back to him.
Personally, I think that you need to decide if this is a relationship you actually want to be in. First, long distance relationships are hard enough as is. If your significant other has stated that he doesn't want to be in a relationship with you.... What are you getting out of this? Perhaps branch out and find someone who wants to be with you because of who you are. Love isn't easy, but you need to find someone who wants to be with you. A relationship needs to be reciprocated by both involved in order for it to be healthy.
just talk to her about it and hopes she wants to get back together
if he whips his hair back and forth