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Never, There is no reason why a male should have his foreskin cut of. This custom has developed as a result of religious customs and is harmful to the male. There is no reasonable medical grounds for circumcision, (Male Genital Mutilation).

^This answer is true^, but if you absolutely have to, I, myself would say at about 13. Mainly because the child/teen is old enough to understand the surgery and put in his own input, and puberty is yet to srat.

So you could ask at what age should a man have his arm amputated. besides a boy is not a man. and a thirteen year old boy is not yet permitted (nor should he be) to make this sort of decision in normal circles. We are talking of genital mutilation here not sticking on a transfer that can be cleaned of with the bath.

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Q: When should a man be circumcised?
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What is wrong if a man is not circumcised?

There is nothing wrong with that.

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No, If you see the tip of the penis (the head) the man is Circumcised

Who was the oldest man in the Bible to be circumcised?

Abraham. He was 99.

If a man is not circumcised can it cause you to become sterile?

No. Circumcision has nothing to do with fertility.

Should you circumcise yourself?

No. If you want to be circumcised, you should see a professional.

Are there any celebrity male Jews who are not circumcised?

Per Jewish religion; and Islam religion; all males should be circumcised.

What is being circumcised mean?

Circumcised means that the man has had his foreskin removed. In Jewish males this normally happens about a week after birth, cicumcision can be carried out at any time though. There are instances where females can be circumcised but I don't know how that works!

How much might it cost a 42 year old man to get circumcised?

About $4.000

Is the head still the most sensitive area for a circumcised man?

Yes, yes it is.

Can a man be circumcised a second time?

Yes, if the first circumcision went wrong.

Do you have to be circum sized to hove a baby?

No, a man does not have to be circumcised in order to father a child.

If a man is not circumcised can he still catch an STD?

Circumcision has nothing to do with catching diseases.