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When I am swimming.

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Q: When might you think about breathing?
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Related questions

What is spontaneous breathing?

Spontaneous breathing means that the person is breathing without having to think about it.

How hard is it to learn circular breathing?

Circular breathing is much easier than one might think. All you do is puff your cheeks up with air, then breath in through your nose while pushing the air out of your cheeks.

Is breathing somatic or autonomic?

Since you don't have to think about breathing, it is automatic.

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Should a person pay attention to there breathing?

yes if you breathing is irregular you might have a heart problem

Is Apena a food borne illness?

I think you might mean apnea, not apena. Apnea means to stop breathing (without intending to do so) It is not a food borne illness.

Why your dog not breathing?

It might be dead. To be sure, poke it with a stick.

What is another name for respiration?

i think it's breathing

Is breathing something that will happen if you think about it?

no that's a good question u take a DEEP BREATH when u think about it

How is it possible for fish to live in space?

I don't think it would be possible unless there was some sort of artificial gravity. Otherwise, the water might float away from the fish, and thus no breathing.

What is a hypothesis for this science fair question what effect does exercise have on your breathing rate?

If I exersize it will increase/decrease my breathing rate because....(why you think it will increase or decrease your breathing rate)

Is breathing a voluntary or involuntary action?

Breathing is both a voluntary and involuntary action. We can control our breathing consciously, but it also happens automatically without us having to think about it.