A feeding tube is inserted when a patient or person is no longer able to swallow or chew their own food when they need to eat.
It depends why the feeding tube was placed. If the feeding tube was placed because the person cannot chew/swallow safely, then no. If the feeding tube was inserted for supplemental feeding because the person doesn't consume adequate nutrition, then yes.
yes. you may have a tube inserted through your nose or mouth.
A nasoduodenal or nasojejunal tube is inserted through the nose and ends in either the duodenum or jejunum, both of which are portions of the small intestine.
A gastrostomy or g-tube leading out of the stomach in order to help prevent nausea and vomiting.
An orogastric tube is a flexible tube inserted through the mouth into the stomach. It is commonly used for feeding or administering medications to patients who are unable to eat or swallow. The tube is removed once its purpose is completed.
fredrick-miller tube
fredrick-miller tube
A tube enterostomy is a surgical procedure where a tube is inserted through the abdominal wall into the small intestine to allow for feeding or drainage of contents. This procedure is often done in cases where the normal digestive tract is not functioning properly.
A gastrostomy is a procedure whereby a tube is inserted through the wall of the abdomen and into the stomach. Two reasons for performing a gastrostomy are for feeding or drainage.
Tube feeding is an example of Enteral nutrition
humm... just a wild guess on a feeding tube?
A feeding tube is inserted when your health isn't very well and you have problems so you have to go to the doctor.