No, no human has ever walked on Venus. The extreme heat, crushing atmospheric pressure, and toxic environment make it impossible for humans to currently explore the surface of Venus.
have u ever seen those ads on tv where it says " recycle ur toxic stuff here!!" a car battery is considered toxic so recycle it at one of those places! =P
Ever seen another mammal conduct the New York Philharmonic?
Firstly, contact the Pediatrician or get medical attention immediately. How this can happen to an infant who shouldn't EVER be left alone is beyond human understanding -
Human - no person should ever be thought of being someones personal property. Slavery was abolished long ago in the US.
Technically it is considered a toxic plant. It is rarely if ever lethal though. It causes nausea, diarrhea, similar stomach upsets and in some cases difficulty swallowing.
toxic waste gum
The deadliest lizard ever is the endangered Komodo Dragon. Its toxic bite and whip-like tail can kill a human in two hours. If you dont believe me ask
No human has ever been to another planet except the moon. These days the moon is not considered a planet but it was in ancient times. No human has ever been to Earth because that implies you're back from travel. We are all here already.
The only way urine could possibly ever get into the lungs would be if the person inhaled or drank urine. Not a good thing to do.
If you have ever seen blood in your urine, it is important to seek medical attention promptly as it could be a sign of a serious health issue.
No human has ever been to Pluto. In fact, no human has ever been beyond the Earth's orbit.