It means he likes your but.
A little though. She only likes them because of Zayn. She likes Zayn!
Nat wolf likes to wear boxers
i think he is single he is a beast wrestler though im sure somebody out there likes him but he is a little creepy he is cool though
boxer shorts. he likes calvin klein.
He likes to go on holidays, to swim with the little fishies, see the wild life and eat them, he likes too suck people's blood, even though he's a 'veggi' and he likes too do old people stuff seen as though he is 109.
He likes you!
He mentioned he likes short jean shorts on girls..........
some boxers can get up to 6 million a fight as the likes off mike Tyson and floyed mayweather
This depends on the boy e.g. they might wear the boxers all day then all night then put on a new pair in the morning it totaly depends on the lad and what he likes to do
A lot of people can use Dickies shorts, it just depends on personal taste. If one likes them, one can use them. If not, there are no obligations in any way.
yes Bart sometimes says eat my shorts as he likes showing off his bottem when he is in a funny moodyes Bart sometimes says eat my shorts as he likes showing off his bottem when he is in a funny mood