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Usually about 4-6 weeks afterward.

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Q: When does your periods return after a miscarriage?
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Can you have a miscarriage if you've had 3 periods between miscarriage and conception?

You can have a miscarriage at any time.

How soon after a miscarriage should you expect your period i lost the baby October 1. still havent gottin it?

Your period should return within 4-6 weeks for a miscarriage or D&C, but in some cases it can last longer (7-9 weeks) periods should return within 6 weeks.

You have had your periods twice this month after having a miscarriage last month?


Could you get pregnant on your last day of your period even if you have irregular periods?

Yes, You could get pregnant whether you have regular periods or not. But, If you have your period and you get pregnant it could lead to a miscarriage.

Is the girl fertile few days after her miscarriage?

Potentially a woman may be fertile after miscarriage. This is fairly unlikely as it takes time after miscarriage or pregnancy for a womans cycles to return to normal, however you should always assume that pregnancy is a possibility whenever you have sex.

Do you have to wait 3 months after having a miscarriage to try again?

You should wait until you at least have one normal menstrual cycle after miscarriage to avoid infection in your uterus, but it IS best to wait 3 months to try again. Even with an early miscarriage, your body needs to recover and it takes about 3 months for your uterus and hormones to return to normal after pregnancy. There is a greater than normal chance of having another miscarriage if you start trying again too early. The longer you were pregnant before miscarriage also affects the amount of time it takes for your body to return to normal. Talk to your doctor.

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sites that customers visit for long periods, and return to it.

You had a miscarriage on 17th nov 2006 you had period the month after Ever since you haven't had your periods This month you are having a brownish discharge for approximately a week now what is wrong?

Is there a chance you are pregnant again? Also, some womens cycle takes a while to get back to normal after a miscarriage.

Is hospitalization a must after a miscarriage?

not nessarily did you know that most late periods are misscarriages and women do not even know it? well they are ..... but to answer your question if you had a miscarriage and you know it then it is safe to go to the doctor to insure you do not have any infections of other problems ....but if you was not very far along then just go about your life

What could it mean if you had two periods in 23 days and a lot of bleeding that is bright red with little clots?

Are you sure it was 2 periods. It sounds like you had a "miscarriage". I hope you are O.K. It wouldn"t be a bad idea to go to the doctor or clinic to check.

Had a missed miscarriage and d an c 2 months later am having symptoms but test are saying negative?

It can b that ur nt..periods axt cunny for couple months

When do your periods return after birth?

Generally, a woman can expect a period by about 6 weeks after giving birth.