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Q: When does spirit enter the body?
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Can spirit enter another human body?

Yes.If they do it in true stories, they probably do it in real life. == ==

Can spirit of a good genuine person enter a very loved person after natural death with having a relationship as mother and son or sister and brother?

I think it is possible of a good soul after death enter another body as a good spirit

Can god enter man's body?

yes he is a spirit and so are we the logical explanation would be that we are spirits and so is god we have our own body but we cant exit unless we die think about it God has all power and doesnt have a body he does but he doesnt Jesus had a body he is god but Jesus Father God is also God that brings us to the trinity God the Father God the son and God the holy spirit the holy spirit has no body So yes God can enter mans body and i think his angels can too

You have two spirits in you both are you yet both are not you... help?

Up to a point you are right, let me try and explain just what I mean. At some time prior to your birth your spirit entered your body making you a living person. This spirit was prior to entering your body in the spirit world with your Father in heaven. It were waiting to enter your human form. We do not know how this was done but let it suffice that we were able to travel from the spirit world and enter our body. It is my believe that this other spirit is the Holy Spirit which at times will visit us when we have a need for him. This spirit is a separate spirit to your own spirit, which is in the exact likeness of you when you reach a certain age. It is when we die that this spirit leaves our human bodies and awaits us at the time of the resurrection when we will be reunited with that same spirit. I hope this has been of some help to you.

Can a dead person's spirit enter a living person's body to live on?

Nobody knows. There are differing beliefs on topics such as these, but no proof.

What is embodies?

a spirit that is housed inside a body. for example you have a body and a spirit inside it so it is an embodied spirit.

Do you believe God entering human body?

Well the way i see it is that God doesnt enter your body but Gods Holy Spirit to change and transform the way you think and act toward situations you face.

What is invoking the spirit?

it is when you call the 4 corners of paganism with 4 others in your coven and you call for a spirit to enter your body this is usialy used for enlightenment but should only be done by an extremly experienced wicka

What is the effect of methylated spirit on human body?

effact of methylated spirit on the human body

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How does hydrogen enter the human body?

Where does the spirit go when the body is burned?

The spirit (Consciousness) of the person goes to a higher plane of existance. the spirit is not in the body when it is burned unless you get burned alive.