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There is no specific time. You will be able to tell when the moment is right, i would think after a date or two it's okay to call her that. :) depends on the person really.

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Q: When do you start to call her sweetheart or darling when dating?
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Something that you call a loved one, such as "sweetheart," "darling," "my love," etc.

What ca ind of names do a woman call a man when they are married to you?

honey, darling, sweetheart, dear, etc

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sweetheart, my love, darling... you can also call him boo, sugar, pumpkin, baby boy, ect

When was Let Me Call You Sweetheart created?

Let Me Call You Sweetheart was created in 1910.

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you can call them, Honey, dear, lovey, or even buddy

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The cast of Let Me Call You Sweetheart - 1932 includes: Ethel Merman as herself

What do you mean by sweetheart or cupcake?

Those are nicknames that yo call your Boyfriend or Girlfriend. Like I do, Sweetheart.

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He called her "querida." According to the Spanish-English dictionary this is translated as Darling or Sweetheart. More literally, it means "she whom I desire."

Why does a man call a woman darling?

A man and woman who are married or dating might call each other darling, although the word is not used as much today as in past generations. Men would seldom call one another darling unless they are in a relationship, and they would not use this term of endearment in public unless they are very comfortable and completely out. Used by adults, the word is a clear indication of a special and intimate relationship.