It all depends. I am not a pro and im not 11 anymore im 13, at 11 i lost my 2 front teeth, <- that explains it! sometimes u can lose many other ones before ur 2 front teeth. This all decides on what ur body thinks what is right for you! so dont think this is true but i lose my 2 front teeth for the first time at 11, and i had a friend who is 11 and lost all the bottom teeth and are adult teeth now. Hope you like my answer!
A cat could have small front teeth due to still having its baby teeth. Cats lose teeth and regrown their adult teeth just like humans.
Children are suppose to lose all of their teeth. It's when they are adults, they're not suppose to lose any teeth!
If it is a young horse, they will lose baby teeth at about 2-3 years of age and the adult teeth will replace them. If it is an old horse, the teeth are much looser and the gums are not as strong, so an aging horse may start to lose teeth at anywhere from 15-30 years of age. In this case, a change of diet needs to be made. Feed your senior horse softer foods and grains that do not need a lot of chewing.
A pack-a-day smoker will lose approximately 2 teeth every 10 years.
gap inbetween front 2 teeth
ur spose to loose ur front ones not the back ones
The average age that a child looses his central incisors is 6 years old.
You will lose none because that is your last set of teeth and you better not lose them.
You are supposed to lose up to 20 teeth