Girls or women are born with all the immature cells that eventually turn into egg cells. The cells mature throughout their reproductive lifespan. Ages for when this starts or stops depends on the person.
No, not at all. The males provide the females with their sperm so that the females can have fertilized eggs. After that, the females hand all their eggs over to the males for safekeeping. So the male is not pregnant, but holds all the eggs, and appears to be pregnant.
Yes, females are born with a lifetime supply of eggs at birth. These eggs are then released periodically during her reproductive years.
Females don't fertilize eggs it is the male that fertilizes the eggs
Females of which species?
Yes, females are born with all of their eggs already present in their ovaries. These eggs are released monthly during ovulation, where they may potentially be fertilized by sperm.
Male parakeets cannot lay eggs--only females can.
When there are all the eggs laid, remove the male from the cage and keep him separate.
All reptiles reproduce by eggs but only the females lay the eggs.
The Ovaries
Human females are born with all of the eggs they will ever have. Since they are not created as time passes, the number has to be limited.
Yes, all stick insects can produce unfertilized eggs via parthenogeneses. Some species do have males which can produce fertilized eggs, but all females are able to produce eggs without a mate.