Its an obstertics doctor, which see women who are pregnant. Its an obstertics doctor, which see women who are pregnant.
She is not pregnant.
see link below "Can you have a paternity test while you are pregnant?"
see link below "Can you have a paternity test while you are pregnant?"
see link below "Can you have a paternity test while you are pregnant?"
Perform a pregnancy test to determine if you are pregnant. If you are pregnant, see your Doctor for confirmation of your pregnancy.
how do you go see a doctor to see if your pregnant with out your parents knowing
When your pregnant it's never too late to see a doctor,but 30 weeks pregnant is too late to have an abortion.
no No; go see a doctor ASAP if you have bleeding while pregnant.
see a doctor
no. once your pregnant ,texas see's you as an adult
you just get a pregnant test and take some of her pee to see