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"High blood" has been used as a culture-bound term - in the African-American community - to mean high blood pressure (whereas "low blood" has been used to designate anemia).

A second definition is that "high blood" can refer to being akin to a "blue blood" or someone from the upper class of society.

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What is the food of a high blood person?

A Cheeseburger.

Do you inherit high blood presssure?

A person does not technically inherit high blood pressure, but a person can inherit the tendency to develop high blood pressure. As well, personal habits combine to cause a tendency to become a reality.

What is a good diet for high blood pressure or a person who has it?

The best diet for a person with high blood pressure is a diet which is low in sodium. You should also be avoiding foods that are high in saturated fats.

Can a person with high blood pressure eat pork?

You shouldn't if you have high cholesterol.

When the pressure of blood pumping through the blood vessels is constantly high the condition is known as?

This would mean that the person has high blood pressure and the medical term for this is hypertension.

What do patients feel with high blood pressure?

Usually a person with high blood pressure feel no symptoms. Very dangerous condition.

What is the other name for hypertension?

The common name for hypertension is high blood pressure. To be diagnosed with high blood pressure, a person typically has three or more readings of 140/90 or higher.

what's the symptom and signs of high cholesterol. Is that to much fat in the blood. My Doctor say I have to much fat in the blood.?

To much fat in the blood is that posiable. Could this be high cholesterol.

Does shingles cause high blood pressure?

The pain from shingles can cause a person's blood pressure to spike.

What can a person suffer from if they have a high blood pressure?

The glomerulus.

Can a bedridden person with high blood pressure suffer from dehydration?

Yes they can.

When the blood pressure gets high the person will have an increased risk of?

If you have high blood-pressure, there is an increase in the risk of either a stroke or a heart attack.