Wisdom teeth usually begin to surface during young adulthood, between ages 18 and 22. Oftentimes, dentists will tell patients with surfacing wisdom teeth that they need to be removed, since wisdom teeth can crowd existing teeth by forcing them to scrunch together.
No. I am 61 and just had a wisdom tooth removed. No problem.
Wisdom tooth extraction requires an oral surgeon when the wisdom tooth is compacted, or when the area around the tooth is infected.
If not cleaned properly bacteria.
If it doesn't give you any trouble it doesn't have to be removed.
Yes but i would check with my dentist
"i have a wisdom tooth on lower right side that came in after all my other teeth were removed do i need to have it removed before i get a set of dentures
Normally, there is not enough room in your mouth for the wisdom teeth to come in. If you've lost some back teeth for one reason or another, the wisdon tooth can come in with no problem.
I'd follow the advice of the dentist, since the wisdom tooth can move forward after the second molar is removed.
Wisdom teeth should be extracted when they push and damage the 7th tooth while they grow, also when they develop a cyst or cause an infection, and wisdom teeth are removed if they're causing problems with prosthesis. Here's an interesting video about wisdom tooth extraction.
For a while ( few days) after your wisdom teeth are removed, it is advisable to do nothing that might disturb the blood clots that have formed in the tooth socket. That would include running or jumping.
I am 20 years old,i have placed braces on the upper mandible.My lower left wisdom tooth was removed in the beginning of the treatment because it grew to the seventh tooth.What should i do?To Pull out left side wisdom tooth before placing the lower mandible braces,or to put the braces and after the treatment to pull it out (daemon system self-ligating)
It is ok that you only have one wisdom tooth it is not uncommon... No big deal just not as smart as the average person!.. (just kidding)-dental humor...The unknown is, why are we born with wisdom teeth and then when we are older they have to be removed. makes you think what was God plan on that...Aunt Laura