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talk to him about what he want you to do

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Q: When boyfriend always complaining about things what do you do?
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Why doesn't your boyfriend listen to girlfriend?

usually they have other things on there mind. But a good boyfriend will always listen to there girlfriends

Who is the declaration complaining about?

It is a letter to the king complaining about the things that have been imposed on the colonies and declaring independence.

What does cleamhsán mean in irish?

Complaint or, in a derogatory sense, a person who is always complaining. Also, ag cleamhsán = complaining ''clamhsán,'' the act of complaining; complaints; ''clabhsán.''

Do you always have to tell your boyfriend everything when you know you can handle certain things by yourself?


What does it mean to always be bitching?

It means always complaining about anything and everything, including people, places, clothes or anything. It also can mean saying rude and hurtful things about others behind their backs.

If your boyfriend is has jealous issues will he abuse you?

not necessarily, but theres always a possibility. people do crazy things.

How do you convince your mom to let you have a boyfriend when your 15?

Boyfriends are great things. act as mature as possible such as not complaining when she asks you to do somethings like chores. then when she's in a good mood ask her about having a boyfriend. don't mention your mom when she was little because she probily did not date till in her 20's.

What did the Romans talk about?

The Romans were people just as we are and they talked about pretty much the same things that we talk about. Politics, the latest scandal, the newest hairstyles, newest books, the latest marriages or divorces, the races, the festivals, complaining about the city services, complaining about the cost of things, complaining about their teenage children.

What is nags?

This is a person who keeps complaining about things and just wont quit.

You keep embarasing yourself in front of your boyfriend is he right for you?

Probably. Its natural to embarrass yourself as long as he isn't complaining, forget about it.

Should you be able to kiss your boyfriend?

Yes you should and can kiss your boyfriend thats one of the things couples always do. Odd are he wants to kiss you to so just kiss him already

Why women always complaining?

Women appear to be always complaining, but in fact they are driving males to be more of an asset, and not just a liability. Women are the domestic anchor, with a focus on a stable and strong household. What appears to be complaining ( nagging) is actually a push for better use of the male so her focus can be towards better household support for raising the children.