The purpose of a birth control pill is not to get pregnant, so they are not "prone" to getting pregnant. To get pregnant the pill has to be stopped.
You are prone for heartburn as pregnant but eating peppers is not harmful.
Pregnancy can make you more prone to vomit but most people who vomit are not pregnant. If you have any doubt then you should just take a pregnancy test.
For me, Its up to you. All I can say is that you are not prone to get pregnant when you are havimg your menstrual period. ^_^ For me, Its up to you. All I can say is that you are not prone to get pregnant when you are havimg your menstrual period. ^_^
Two groups of people who are prone to nutrient deficiencies are pregnant women and teenagers.
Assam is the most flood prone state.
Right after you give birth to a baby is the time when you are most prone to get pregnant again. Also, it is not physically healthy for a woman to have sex so soon after childbirth.
Oklahoma is most prone to tornadoes in the months of April, May, and June.
Not usually, but you are more prone to infection while pregnant so take a specimen of urine and have it tested. You have more vaginal discharge when pregnant but it should not smell so get it checked out.
it is prone. In fact it is in the top five most quake states. So yeah it is prone to earthquakes. by Abbigail
The top three most disaster prone countries are: India United States China