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third-person point of view.

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Q: When a person outside the story tells us what is happening, he or she is using?
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Related questions

Who is the person who tells the story?

The person who tells the story is the narrator.

Why set is important?

It helps tie the story togetherthe setting tells where the happening is and what time it is.

What is the point of view when a voice outside of the work tells the story?

The point of view where a voice outside of the work tells the story is known as third-person narration. This type of narration is common in literature and allows the narrator to provide an external perspective on the events and characters within the story without being a part of it.

What is the person that reads the story called?

The person who tells the story is the narrator.

In a story the narrator is the person who?

Tells the story to the reader’s

Who is the narrator in the third wish short story?

The narrator in "The Third Wish" short story is an omniscient third-person narrator who tells the story from an outside perspective, providing insight into the thoughts and emotions of the characters.

How can you identify the point of view in a story?

First Person.

A person who tells a story?


What is a storytelling?

A person who tells a story very well.

When a person tells a story using his or her own words or voice the story is what?

When a person tells a story using their own words or voice, the story is considered to be in the person's own narrative style. This means that they are expressing the story in a way that is unique to them, which can include their tone, language choices, and storytelling techniques.

A person who relates a story?

The person who tells you a tale is usually a narrator.

What is the character in a story that tells their own individual story?

They would be the first person narrator.