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Q: When a person losses fluid by sweating or bleeding what minerals are lost in greatest quantity?
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When a person loses fluid by sweating or bleeding what minerals are lost in greatest quantity?

The minerals lost in the greatest quantity when a person sweats heavily are sodium and chloride, which are components of electrolytes. When a person is bleeding, iron is lost in significant quantities in the form of hemoglobin.

What minerals are mostly lost in sweating and bleeding?

Sodium and Chloride

Why are minerals important when exercising?

by exercise the minerals excited by sweating

How do minerals help in sports?

Minerals will help you stay healthy, and in "performance" shape

What types of procedures to help the sick in the middle ages?

Bleeding out the illness, black powder and sweating it out.

What physical conditions can contribute to malnutrition?

Nutrient loss can be accelerated by diarrhea, excessive sweating, heavy bleeding (hemorrhage), or kidney failure.

Do you burn off sodium without sweating?

You don't burn off sodium as you do fat or carbohydrates. Rather you excrete it and other minerals in your urine.

What signs and symptoms might you see in internal abdominal bleeding What would you do?

Flushed face, sweating, heavy breathing and intense abdominal pain. Go to a hospital.

What are the symptoms of colon polyps?

Colon polyps often has no symptoms. However, some symptoms of colon polyps are pain, obstruction, rectal bleeding, abdominal pain, sweating and many more.

What is the origin of Sweating like a stuck pig?

This phrase most likely originated from the imagery of a pig that is stuck in a trap or a confined space, causing it to sweat profusely due to the panic and struggle. The phrase is used to describe someone sweating heavily or excessively.

Is the word sweating a verb?

The word sweating is an adjective.

what symptoms are common for spastic colon?

Spastic Colon is also know by Irritable Bowel Syndrome. You can experience sweating, nausea, faintness, diarrhea, cramping and bleeding. You should make sure to contact your doctor with these symptoms.