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Q: When a patient taking a diuretic comes to the clinic complaining of muscular weakness and fatigue a deficiency of which ion will be suspected?
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What is the missing molecule in Duchenne muscular dystrophy?

The missing molecule in Duchenne muscular dystrophy is dystrophin, which is a protein that helps maintain the structure and function of muscle cells. In individuals with Duchenne muscular dystrophy, mutations in the DMD gene lead to a deficiency or absence of dystrophin protein.

Are phosphorus deficiencies rare?

No. Phosphorus deficiency is a common consequence for malnutrition in developing countries. Symptoms might include muscular and neurological dysfunction.

In what system would the effects of a vitamin d deficiency be most readily observed a nervous b skeletal c muscular d circulatory?


What does tetany mean?

tetanyˈtɛt(ə)ni/nouna condition marked by intermittent muscular spasms, caused by malfunction of the parathyroid glands and a consequent deficiency of calcium.

What are the umbles in hypothermia?

The "umbles" are warning signs to look for in suspected hypothermia. They are stumbles, mumbles, fumbles, and grumbles. These are all signs that the body's nervous and muscular systems may be affected.

What are risk factors for calcium deficiency?

Risk factors for calcium deficiency include poor dietary intake of calcium, vitamin D deficiency, certain medical conditions that affect calcium absorption (such as lactose intolerance or celiac disease), aging (due to decreased absorption and bone density), and medications that interfere with calcium absorption (such as corticosteroids or proton pump inhibitors).

What are the medicinal properties of mustard seeds?

The medicinal properties are: rubefacient, irritant, stimulant, diuretic, emetic., pungent, laxative, digestive.Mustard seeds are used to treat muscular pain, colds, influenza, bronchitis and chilblains.Information can be extracted via the Related Link.

What is the superlative and comparative of the word muscular?

more muscular, most muscular

2 diseases of the muscular system?

muscular dystrophy poliomyelitis muscular sclerosis

What is muscular in German?

muscular - muskulös

How do you use muscular in a sentence?

The muscular man looked like he was on steroids. Muscular is an adjective

How does muscular dystrophy progress?

Muscular dytrophy is not spread it is heriditary.