tell her that she needs to tell the crush how she feels about him. and be there for her if she doesnt tell him. that's just my opinion would depend on who liked the crush the longest!! if your friend liked this person way before you did then you will hav to forget about him/her! if you liked him/her way before your friend did then that crush is yours!! truly my opinion wuld be to stay away from guys both of you friends like!! because your friend will always come before guys!!
a good friend
Its unfortunate, you can't, but always stay in contact!!
i think you need to talk to your crush about your friends crush who has a crush you on you and your sister knows about your crushes crush who wont tell you who they're like TOTALLY crushing on but they want to but promised your crush they wouldn't tell you who their crush was because their mom wont let her date and her sister is only a year older but she's allowed its SOOO not fair omg like wtf, and my sisters crush doesnt even like her so omg like LAWLZ!
make them smile as much as possible. :D
thats very obvious it means if your friend is a girl he likes you but your friend was or is his girl if your friend is a boy they both have a crush on you.
She was lethargic after she learned that her best friend was moving away. The news that he would be laid off made the man lethargic.
Most likely your crush was to shy to say anything himself. Ask him. thats true but it can also be that he was just joking about it because mayb he knows that you really like your crush- i would ask your crush or try flirting with him- or try flirting with someone else but not his friend cause this can cause problems if it is true- so mayb try lirting with someone else while he is around and watch and see how he reacts. hope this helps! good luckk
crush your PS3 with a hammer till it is in pieces and throw it away
email her, talk to her on the phone and tell how you feel about her moving away
maybe a picture where you were both in it and a freindship braclet
you should tell them when you find out