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They would die, and it wouldn't take very long.

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Q: What would people do without water?
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Would people weigh more or less without water in their bodies?

Less, ovbiously.

How much water is used by desert people?

Not alot. In days they would go without it.

Why do you recycle wastewater?

The reason for recycling water or water reclamation is due to the fact that water consumption is steadily increasing but the fresh water supply continuously decreases. Without water reclamation, we would eventually run out of fresh water reserves, and people would either dehydrate or would turn to waste water for something to drink. Without treatment this water would make people extremely sick and most likely cause death.

Why would permanent melting of the Himalayan ice would bring disaster?

water flows would dry up, these water flows are important source of fresh water in India, without it, people would get dehydrated

Why do people get sick without water for a week?

Most people die without water for a week. What did you really mean by the question?

What happens to life without geometry?

There would be no life because without the geometry of the water molecule, there would be no water. No water, no life.

Why is water importante?

Without water everything would die and we would to. No wter meand no animals or plants which means no people. It also keeps our skin healthy and hydrated us.

What would happen to the water cycle without precipication?

There would be no water cycle.

Would life exist without water?

Life on Earth would not exist as we know it without water. Water is essential for most biochemical reactions in living organisms, serves as a solvent for nutrients and waste, helps regulate temperature, and provides a medium for various biological processes to occur. Therefore, it is unlikely that life could develop or be sustained without water.

What has beaches without sand a river without water and cities without people What are you?

A map

How does water change weather?

without water there would be no weather

Were can you find a sea without water and earth without people?

The map maybe