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Drinking Urine is a hazardous process for it reintroduces the metabolic wastes which have just been excreted out.

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Q: What would happen if you drink urine?
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Would happen if you drink alcohol with urine?

there would be more of it and your urine would be more translucent.

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we'll probably drink urine. Shower with Urine...... EURGH

Does your breath become smelly if you drink urine?

I don't mean to be rude. But why the hell would you want to drink urine?

How do you drink your own urine?

If you were to drink it, you would drink it as any other beverage. You would fill a cup with the beverage of your choice and drink it.

You drank urine by mistake and you have digestive issues what will happen to you?

Nothing. People drink urine when they are stuck in the desert and live. Urine is actually fine to drink....sounds gross but it did you ever get past the smell?????? :P Nothing. People drink urine when they are stuck in the desert and live. Urine is actually fine to drink....sounds gross but it did you ever get past the smell?????? :P

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Can you drink urine?

You shouldn't drink it because it is a waste product and it is not good for you.If that's what you enjoy....If you feel the urge to drink it, your safest bet would be to drink your own. If it is another person's urine, you would need to take the same precautions as you would in choosing sex partners.

Did Winston Churchill drink his own urine?

No, it would poison him.

Can you drink women urine?

no itis not ok to drink womens urine it has bacteria and is different from mens urine

Can a human drink his own urine?

Yes, a person can drink his/her own urine.

Can you swallow female urine?

Yes you can. Urine is sterile. That is why if your stuck in the desert with nothing to drink it is recommended to drink your urine.