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It may make you ill.

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Q: What would happen if you do not drink clean water?
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Why must water be clean and a free choice for horses?

If you don't give your horse clean water he could get very sick or even die. how would you like to drink slimey water? not very much I'm guessing. some horses won't drink their water if its filthy. they also should have water that is there for them because they happen to drink 20 - 40 litres - a day. they have as much right as we do to have clean water that is always there for them.

What would happen if animals drink pond water?

How come animals drink pond water and they don't get sick

What would happen to your body if you don't drink water?

If you don't get enough you get dehydrated. If you drink no water for 2 days you will die.

What would happen if the water could not condense the atmosphere?

we would have no water to drink to bathe in in brush are teeth

How would you clean out your system if you take volume 5?

Drink plenty of water! Do not drink sodas or juice while you are detoxing! Water will clean you out better than anything else. It has always worked for me!

What would happen if the fresh water in the rivers got polluted?

We would not be able to drink the water or eat the fish.

What would happen if you do not drink water?

We will be weak Because every day we lose 1.5 liter of water daily. if we don't drink water we will lose much water

What could happen if water could not condense in the atmosphere?

we would have no water to drink to bathe in in brush are teeth

What would happen to a human if they did not drink water?

After 72 hours that human would be severely dehydrated if not dead.

What would happen if the freshwater became extinct?

we would have to always heat up saltwater to drink water

How the government policies effect of spatial population distribution?

they might have got some new clean water for the united states that will not get humans sick from also they could maybe put the water in something to clean it out the give to the united states some people are allowed to drink water that is not clean because of their teeth example Africans ,but if people from the united states drink that water they Will get sick. but i would not drink nasty dirty water that has not been clean.

What would happen if don't eat anything but drink water?

you'd die in approximatly a week