Fruit and veg contain many necessary minerals and vitamins to ensure you stay healthy. For example the skin your biggest organ to stay healthy needs vitamin c which is found in all the citric fruits. Citric fruits are Lemons, Oranges etc.
May I suggest that you look up on line the various fruits and veg to see for yourself exactly what they contain.
You will DIE!
They will be lacking vitamins, C,K at least(maybe another poster can add others only found in plants)Getting little fibre,The digestive system will be unhealthy, with a lot of toxins and a greater risk of cancer.the person probably would'NT smell very nice either.
the Inuit natives live on fish and sealmeat only, but their bodies have partly adapted, with the help of high levels of omega 3&6,but they still bruise and bleed easily.
Without complex carbohydrates and vitamins from fruits and vegitables your body would eventually lapse into a condition called more commonly: scurvey. If you remember your pirate lore, this disease was the undoing of many pirate crews due to the inability to simply land and pick up fresh supplies for fear of death. Simply, your body needs sugar. Naturally occurring within your body is a process that stores excess sugars and carb's as glycogen which is deposited in the liver. As the body needs more carbohydrates, these glycogen stores are broken down and, once depleted, the body starts breaking down muscle tissue. A condition called ketoacidosis develops and can be life threatening if not properly treated. Besides the metobolic content (which is much more involved then I've eluded too above), you would see outward signs. As above, a fruity odor on the breath would be prominent. Also thinning hair, weak teeth, and brittle nails just to name a few would be rather evident.
They wouldn't stay fresh.
Hammers would be a messy way to mix fruits and vegetables.
Glucose test strips would not react with fruits and vegetables because they are used to detect glucose in liquids such as urine or blood, not solid foods like fruits and vegetables. Iodine can be used to detect the presence of starch in fruits and vegetables by turning blue-black in the presence of starch.
Fruits and vegetables
A costermonger is a person who sells fruits and vegetables
we would die
you would blow up
You would die
what would happen if the 8th amendment didn't exist
An example of the life-cycle dance would be how fruits and vegetables grow from the ground. They are living things. Animals eat the plants in order to sustain life. People then eat the fruits, vegetables and animals to sustain life. The left over or decomposing fruits and vegetables or the seeds from them, go back into the soil which allows more fruits and vegetables to grow.
you die