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The purpose of any microbiological stain (gram or otherwise), is to enable visualization of features that would otherwise be clear/invisible in a sample. In this case, the darker crystal violet is used to stain the peptidoglycan cell walls of gram-positive bacteria. Washing the sample with too much ethanol (decolorizing too much) will remove too much stain, making it difficult or impossible to distinguish between gram-negative and gram-positive cells. Only the counterstain that is added after the ethanol wash (safranin, for example) will be visible.

(see related links for example descriptions of Gram staining)

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Q: What would happen if you decolorized your slide too much on a gram stain?
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What would you observe if you decolorized your slide too much?

If you decolorized your slide too much, you would likely have difficulty seeing the sample under the microscope. Over-decolorization can remove the stain from the cells or tissue, making them appear faint or transparent. This can impact your ability to accurately study the morphology or characteristics of the sample.

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Gram-negative organisms would appear pink or red after being over-decolorized in a Gram staining procedure due to the loss of the crystal violet stain and retention of the counterstain safranin. This is because the cell walls of gram-negative bacteria have a thinner peptidoglycan layer that allows the crystal violet stain to be easily washed away.

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If the slide was heated too hot during heat-fixing, the bacteria on the slide may appear distorted or shriveled. This can make it difficult to accurately identify and classify the bacteria present on the slide. Overheating can also lead to loss of cellular structures and affect the overall staining quality, making it harder to observe the typical gram stain results.

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i think it's called a water stain, it can happen to about everything, so i think it would be called a water stain on wood.

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What would happen if the step involving Gram's iodine was inadvertently left out of the Gram staining procedure?

Gram staining refers to separating bacterial species into two groups, gram-positive and gram-negative, which defines the physical and chemical properties. Skipping a step in this process could result in a mixed group of the bacterial species.

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As magnification increases, the center of the slide would appear larger and more detailed. This is because magnification enlarges the image of the specimen on the slide, allowing you to see finer features with greater clarity at the center.

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If a slide had high friction, it would not function well as a slide. Things would either slow down during their descent or would stop completely (if the coefficient of friction were sufficiently large).You would either stop in mid slide, burn your bottom,or shred the seat of your pants.

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If the object on the slide were too thick for light to pass through, no light would illuminate the object on the other side. This would result in a shadow being cast on the side of the slide where the light source is located, and the object on the other side would not be visible.