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its my question of course i cant answer it!

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Q: What would happen if things didn't decay?
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we would die

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you would blow up

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You would die

What would happen if dead things did not decay in nature?

They would pile up and the substances they are made of would not be available for new beings to use. So eventually there could be no new ones.

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what would happen if the 8th amendment didn't exist

What will happen if a marble statue stood for 500 years?

i would have decayed less than a lime stone for example lime stone was used for gravestones but the softness of the rock didnt help it when rain fell and started to decay the rock but marble is harder so the rain does not decay as much

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you die

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What would happen if the government didnt exist?

we have freedom

What would happen if we didnt have Chinese zodiac signs?

Nothing would happen. You either believe in them or you don't!