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Seeing zig zag colored lines is a sign that someone might be about to have a migraine headache. A migraine is an intense headache usually accompanied by more severe symptoms.

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Q: What would cause your Eyes to see zig zag color lines?
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If you spray hairspray in your eyes do they turn blue?

No, hairspray cannot change the color of your eyes. If hairspray gets in your eyes, it may cause irritation or discomfort, but it will not impact the color of your eyes.

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If i were you...i would get a light green..almost aqua cause i have hazel eyes to and i have light green ones and they look great

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she has brown eyes but in my opinion she would look good in blue eyes too

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no, it would not cause your eyes to be bloodshot. Bloodshot eyes come from inflammation of the conjunctiva (the mucus membranes over your eyes/eyelids). Thinning of the blood could not cause conjunctivitis (bloodshot eyes) unless you have an allergy to that medication that could cause bloodshot eyes (which I would think would be almost impossible).

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she has brown eyes but in my opinion she would look good in blue eyes too

Can high cholesterol cause eye color changes?

No, there is no known thing besides cornea surgery that can change the color of the eyes.

What color were Cleopatra's eyes?

No one knows the color of Cleopatra's eyes. Judging from what little we know about her ethnic background, a good guess would be that they were brown.No one knows the color of Cleopatra's eyes. Judging from what little we know about her ethnic background, a good guess would be that they were brown.No one knows the color of Cleopatra's eyes. Judging from what little we know about her ethnic background, a good guess would be that they were brown.No one knows the color of Cleopatra's eyes. Judging from what little we know about her ethnic background, a good guess would be that they were brown.No one knows the color of Cleopatra's eyes. Judging from what little we know about her ethnic background, a good guess would be that they were brown.No one knows the color of Cleopatra's eyes. Judging from what little we know about her ethnic background, a good guess would be that they were brown.No one knows the color of Cleopatra's eyes. Judging from what little we know about her ethnic background, a good guess would be that they were brown.No one knows the color of Cleopatra's eyes. Judging from what little we know about her ethnic background, a good guess would be that they were brown.No one knows the color of Cleopatra's eyes. Judging from what little we know about her ethnic background, a good guess would be that they were brown.

If your mother had brown eyes and her father had blue eyes what would the baby have?

Brown color of eye is dominant over blue color. If the mother is homozygous for brown color of eye, than the all the children will have brown color eyes. If mother is heterozygous for brown eyes, than 50% of children will have brown eyes and 50% will have blue eyes.

What color eyes does christin beadles have?

Christian beadles has hazel eyes. Trust me i would know