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Q: What would be the immediate result of low TSH level on thyroxin level?
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What was the immediate cause?

The final act in a series of provocations leading to a particular result or events

What was the immediate result of the surrender of Fort Sumte?

The immediate result of the surrender of Fort Sumter was am agreement that they would evacuate and not surrender. After the surrender, many people pushed for Lincoln to send troops back in to take control of the Forts and save the Union.

What If the trend of production of fuel energy falls behind the levels of consumption what could result?

The most immediate result would be increased prices, then reduced availability.

difference between a long-term cause and an immediate cause?

The long-term cause would be something that has been around for ages and finally got to a point where something was done. Immediate Cause Law and Legal Definition. The immediate cause is the final act in a series of provocations that leads to a particular result or event. This would directly produce the result without the intervention of any further provocation.

Which of the following most likely would be an immediate result of growth factor binding to its receptor?

An immediate result of growth factor binding to its receptor would likely be the activation of intracellular signaling pathways. This could lead to various cellular responses such as changes in gene expression, cell proliferation, differentiation, or survival.

What would another ice age result in a change?

sea level

What would be the most immediate effect if the phrenic nerve were severed?

Severing the phrenic nerve would result in paralysis of the diaphragm, the main muscle responsible for breathing. This would lead to immediate difficulty in breathing as the diaphragm plays a crucial role in the process of respiration.

What would be the most immediate result if complex II of the electron transport chain suddenly stopped working?

Buildup of succinate in the mitochondrial matrix

What would be a synonym for instant?

Immediate Sudden

If a person's blood alcohol level is 106 what are the consequences?

A blood alcohol level of 106 is considered very high and can lead to severe impairment of motor skills, decision-making, and coordination. It may result in alcohol poisoning, which can be life-threatening. Immediate medical attention is necessary to prevent further complications.

Would a plant cell be able to survive without chloroplast?

Probably not, seeing as it uses them to create its own nourishment It would probably adapt after generations and generations, but the immediate after effect of the removal of chloroplasts would probably result in malnourishment