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It becomes difficult to pass urine among some, but not all men with enlarged prostate glands. Unfortunately there aren't many other symptoms. Your doctor can detect increased levels of PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen), but that doesn't always catch the problem, you'll need to go to your doctor for regular exams.

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17y ago
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7y ago

Frequent and urgent urination, weak urine flow, dribbling after the urination. The enlarged prostate can be treated with herbal medicine called diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill with good therapeutic effect.

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14y ago

A non-cancerous condition that affects many men past 50 years of age, enlarged prostate makes eliminating urine more difficult by narrowing the urethra, a tube running from the bladder through the prostate gland.

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11y ago

Men may have difficulty in urinary flow and functions. They may have to go more often which is often very tiring and can limit social activities. A beta prostate supplement at this time may help to alleviate problems associated with urinary flow and functions. It can also help promote a healthy prostate since it contains prostate-specific nutrients.
Hesitant urination, intermittent, terminal dribbling, thin and weak urinary stream, dribbling urine and so on. Irritation of urinary frequency, nocturia, urgency, dysuria, etc. Patients with prostate enlargement should accept treatment as soon as possible.

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13y ago

Most people usually take a prostate exam to see the condition of their prostate. The most common symptoms are usually more frequent urination and smaller bladders.

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12y ago

dribbling at the end of voiding

hesitancy in starting urine

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11y ago

1) difficulty urinating

2) thin or slow urine stream

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11y ago

An enlarged prostate is a common problem for men over the age of 50. Some of the warning signs include frequent urge to urinate, painful ejaculation, and pain in the lower back and hips.

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13y ago

Painful or slow urine flow. Pain in the pelvic area. Pain during sex. Blood in the semen. These can be symptoms of a prostate problem.

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Which gland enlarges to block urine from leaving the bladder when sperm is ejaculated?

The prostate gland enlarges to block urine from leaving the bladder when sperm is ejaculated. This is because the prostate surrounds the urethra, the tube that carries urine from the bladder out of the body, and contracts during ejaculation to prevent the mixing of semen and urine.

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That would not be a typical symptom. If you have a fever, it is likely due to some other illness.

What is the width of the prostate gland?

The prostate gland is about the size of a walnut. As we grow older (at about 40), it enlarges a bit. This condition is called Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).

What is nomalignant enlargement of the prostate?

As a male ages, the prostate gradually enlarges. If it gets too large, it can cause a decrease in urine flow. This is called Benign Prostate Hyperplasia, also known as BPH. This is not cancer.

If the prostate enlarges and decreases the urithral what is that called?

If the prostate enlarges and compresses the urethra, it is called benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). This condition can lead to lower urinary tract symptoms such as increased frequency and urgency of urination.

Is painful urination a symptom of prostate cancer?

From what I learned in college, yes it can be. But this can also be a symptom of a bladder infection.

If a person has prostate cancer could limping while walking be a symptom?

No. I have never heard of that as being a symptom.

Symptoms of an enlarged prostate?

primary symptom is inability to urinate completely.urge to urinate completely.this condition is averted more during nights ,called nocturia.this occurs bec due to hormone imbalance prostate enlarges greatly thus narrowing the urethral backing up of urine occurs in kidneys ,kidneys stores urine for time to time it causes a result kidneys do not filterate.

What does enlarges mean?

An enlarged prostate means that the prostate has gotten bigger than its original size. Benign prostatic hypertrophy is its common name and mostly happens to old and middle-aged men.

How might enlargement of thre prostate gland interfere withn urination or the reproductive ability of the male?

The urethra passes through the prostate, and when the prostate enlarges it compresses the urethra. This makes it hard for the man to start urinating, and then when he starts he doesn't get it all out, leading to a sense that he is always full (urinary retention).

What is prostate calcification?

Calcification is when there is an accumulation of calcium salts and prostatic refers to the prostate. A CT scan or an ultrasound can be used for diagnosing the condition. Prostate calcification is a "scar" that remains after prostatitis gets cured. Early stage prostate calcification is a fibrosis of prostate. Common it is occur with no symptom. Such a fibrosis may occur in your body but you feel nothing about it. As prostate fibrosis develops, there would be calcification spots. One can try Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill to cure this condition.

Why would a surgery be needed when dealing with prostrate cancer?

A persons Prostate may be removed for a few reasons. The main reason is generally due to Cancer. It can be a partial removal or total.