You may qet sick and it would be a bad taste and your best decisition is not drink cookinq qrease at all I mean why would you ? .
Youll burn faster
It would taste bad and to much grease will make you sick
A grease gun, My wife's cooking,
Yes, you can reuse bacon grease for cooking as long as it is strained and stored properly.
No, cooking grease can not kill germs. Try using a different method like using soap or hand sanitizer.
Cooking oils, shortening, lard, bacon grease, butter
brisco is kinda like a cooking fat most people us it to grease pans when they are cooking or baking.
use bread and grease
You should grease the pan with butter, oil, or cooking spray before baking.
Amorphous I believe.
olive oil
Cooking oil or butter.