It will pass largely unchanged through your digestive system and out the other end. Please tell me it was your pet that ate the yarn.
Kirby's Epic Yarn happened in 2010.
it becomes straight
note when we yarn our lungs contract this is proven because our chest move inward as air is release.
it spontaneously combusted
Knitting arranged yarn into complex shapes rather than straight lines. The shapes can deform, which would not happen if the yarn was linear.
Brush your sheep everyday. It will happen.
Yarn is an irregular plural so plural for yarn is yarn. It can be singular or plural.
difference between spun yarn and filament yarn
what will happen if we eat vada
* yarn elongation is stretching of yarn before breakage of yarn and it is related with workability of machine and process * yarn elongation is nothing but the the fibre strength
What happen if you eat Raw chips
To measure yarn weight accurately, use a yarn scale to weigh a specific length of yarn. Compare the weight to a standard yarn weight chart to determine the yarn weight category.