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you die

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Q: What will happen if you apply Crayola marker on skin?
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Related questions

Is it bad to draw on yourself with Crayola marker?

You won't get skin cancer or ink poisoning just by drawing on yourself with a marker. You're fine. The worst that can happen is a mild allergic reaction that'll make your hand sting for a bit.

Can you use the colors of crayola crayons on the lips?

No, Crayola crayons are not formulated to apply color to skin, and it would be particularly difficult to use crayons on the soft, moist surface of lips.

What happen when you add lemon to milk then you apply to your skin?

you will die

Is it possible to have blue skin?

With marker

How do you remove pernament marker of your skin?

You can use any hand sanitizer to remove pernament marker off your skin,plastic,metal, and anything.

Why does permanent marker turn you're skin purple?

because your skin is not used to it

If someone were to create the illusion of a tattoo by writing on their skin daily with a Sharpie marker would anything bad happen to them?

Not medically although they may suffer from bullying if caught.

What causes words to appear on skin?

you draw on it with marker

Does permanent marker poison your skin?

It doesn't have any effect on your skin it's safe

Can writing on your skin with marker hurt you?

. It could cause umcomfort as it aches and in some cases swell. This will last from a couple of hours to a couple of days and the marker stain will only last a couple of days, personally my friend and i ate and drew on ourselves with crayola markers and we both got sick and got hives... the non toxic thing is a lie, awful company uses slightly toxic dyes or solvents

Can you draw on your skin with permanent marker?

yes but it can cause harm or nausea

Will permanent marker stain on SKIN if you keep drawing on the same spot?

Hey Thanks for the question ... My answer is Yes, probably. The skin is delicate and dont try and stain it too much, or you could damage it, especially with lots of ink. Try and avoid permanent marker on skin!! --- P.S. If you DO get a permanent marker stain on your skin, you can get it off with a product called Amodex Ink and Stain Remover. Its best use is for stains on clothing (because those stains are much tougher), but it easily takes marker or other stains off skin. It's also non-toxic.