The water evaporates and you have water droplets left.
salty water is evaporated leaving uncleaned salt left behind.If you clean it you can start seasoning your food!
Although 3/4ths of the Earth is water, it doesn't mean it's all clean. If we dont take care of our water, there's a possibility that a day will come where we have no clean water left.
it will be happy
It will evaporate
it will swell
it will be happy
The principle is 'dilution': with the first addition of clean water to dirty water, the dirty water becomes less dirty because it is diluted by the clean water. With the continued addition of clean water to dirty water, eventually the dirty water will be completely diluted and there will be no dirty water left; it will all be replaced by clean water.
WALLE's job on Earth is to clean up the waste left behind by humanity, as shown in the movie "WALLE." He is a waste allocation robot designed to compact and clean up trash on a deserted and polluted Earth.