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hippy flipping is when you do mushrooms and ecstasy at the same time. iv never done it, but have been with people when they were, and it looks very fun. warning tho, your supposed to eat the mushrooms and trip for a good while before you take the E, id say right about when youv been peaking for an hour. you dont wana be coming down from the ecstasy while your still tripping, that sounds unpleasant. i say go for it!

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Q: What will happen if mushrooms and ecstasy?
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Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (called MDMA or Ecstasy) is classified as both a stimulant and a mild hallucinogen. However, Ecstasy pills are rarely pure Ecstasy (MDMA). Usually, they are cut with other drugs, most often some form of speed (amphetamines or methamphetamines) or ketamine, but sometimes heroin or other opiates, and, every once in awhile, cocaine. I would assume they are also sometimes cut with other hallucinogens, like LSD or psilocybin (the active ingredient in magic mushrooms), but I can't recall taking or hearing about pills mixed with these drugs, so perhaps I am wrong.

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