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It would end badly

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Q: What will happen if love is used negatively?
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if it doesnt affect you negatively

What part of speech is negatively?

"Negatively" is an adverb. It is used to modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs to indicate a negative manner or direction.

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If you touch the knob of a positively charged electroscope with a negatively charged object, the excess electrons from the negatively charged object will flow to the electroscope, neutralizing the positive charge. The electroscope will become neutral or slightly negatively charged as a result.

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If a negatively charged rod touches a neutral electroscope, electrons will flow from the rod to the electroscope, causing the electroscope to become negatively charged. The leaves of the electroscope will repel each other, indicating a charge has been introduced.

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Another love blossoms

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Opposite charges attract each other. It makes no difference what kind of objects happen to be carrying the charges.

What happen when a negatively charged item gets near a neutral item?

The neutral object will probably get an induced polarity.

Who supports claudio love for hero?

I do, as their relationship is based on love at first sight,which i happen to believe in.

When was Love Makes Things Happen created?

Love Makes Things Happen was created on 1990-11-06.

What does love latency mean?

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How come as myself used to hate Justin bieber but now as myself totally love him?

i know the same thing happen to me