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It's best to avoid eating baby powder. You won't fall over and die in a couple hours, but it can cause cancer, tumors, and generally messes up our system.

To answer you question, yes it's harmful but not severely if your baby only ate a small amount.

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That's for talcum-based baby powder. Lots of modern baby powders are just cornstarch--completely edible, but you shouldn't eat a lot of it.

It would be advisable to take your infant to the ER immediately if he or she has ingested baby powder. Although it will not immediately harm the digestive tract, it can cause serious complications if your baby inhaled any of it, or if your baby aspirates it.


Even baby powder that says "pure cornstarch" on the label may contain Tricalcium Phosphate. Read the ingredients. Tricalcium Phosphate in some forms is a common food additive. In baby powder, it is not edible.

Tricalcium Phosphate when inhaled is very harmful. Here is the proof. This is a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) which states:

"The substance is toxic to lungs, mucous membrane."

Frequent exposure may cause particulates to lodge in the lungs. One case showed crystallosis in the lymph glands of a woman who used dental powder containing Tricalcium Phosphate. Beta TCP has been banned, in some forms, for use as a bone filler.

Use only pure cornstarch as baby powder, if you use anything. Rotate the bottle with your wrist intsead of shaking the bottle. The powder will tumble through the holes gently. Never shake the powder.

ANY particulate can be unhealthy when inhaled.


It can be harmful if the baby ate a lot of it. A sprinkle or thin film of it probably would not harm the baby. Read the baby power bottle for directions on accidental ingestion or even intentional ingestion. It will tell you if it is toxic and if there is a number you need to call and any actions to take. This is true for all American products since it is a law. Keep your local poison control number written on your phone.

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15y ago

The same thing that happens to humans. Sure you don't want to go around eating it but a little talcum powder never hurt anybody.

Your dog might experience some headaches, blurry vision, and sneezing at worst but it will not last long.

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10y ago

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Smart One

take it to the doctor

pahari parrot baby eat food

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13y ago

If its heavily perfumed, you should call a vet and get advice. If it is just plain talcum, my vet told me it wouldn't hurt my 10lb (then) bulldog. He only licked/ate a small amount.

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13y ago

Washing powder is sodium carbonate that is poisnous for us it can cause the death of baby if baby eats it.

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