Aside from being highly toxic, bleach is a corrosive. It will dissolve the lining of your digestive tract, causing excruciating pain in the process.
the dangers to bleach are very critical to others to don't swallow
first you must swallow some bleach
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If it was only a little, then you should be fine, but more could cause chemical burns in your throat and/or more.
Yes, ingesting liquid bleach can be harmful and may result in serious health issues, including damage to your mouth, throat, and stomach. It is important to seek medical attention immediately if you accidentally swallow liquid bleach.
you should call the poisin emergancy place? or the closest hospilta. depends on who ther person is... how old when how much was swolled
you cant die from from drinking bleach, but mixed with ammonia you can choke to death
I would call poison control or Emergency services such as 911 (000 in Australia, 111 in New Zealand).Drink lots of milk and call the ambulance ASAP! DO NOT VOMIT - it will make the bleach reach your bloodstream faster.
CALL POISON CONTROL!!!!!!!! Poision Control # 1-800-222-1222 Poison Conyrol Number in South Africa: 080 033 3444
You must NEVER ever gargle with bleach or any other household cleaning product as you will probably swallow some which will cause internal damage and if you chose to ignore this and did it anyway you will NOT be able to alter the results of a DNA test so do not even think about it .
Peroxide is a type of bleach--it is the peroxide itself that whitens. Does so chemically. Though it is good for whitening, it's bad for enamel. Also, it's very bad to swallow.
No. It would not work. it would only cause liver damage n maybe burn out other insides. Do not attempt.