Drug Name
Methadone Hydrochloride
10 mg
57 71
Manufacturer / Distributor
Mallinckcrodt Pharmaceuticals ( http://www.mallinckrodt.com/ )
Please refer to http://www.drugs.com/imprints/m-57-71-5107.html for more information about this pill and other Methadone Hydrochloride pills in circulation.
one generic form is a white oval pill with the marking m357 on one side
M357 pills contain hydrocodone / acetaminophen 5mg / 500mg.
What are the markings on it?
Need more information to make a positive identification on a pill. Need pill shape, color and and any markings. Usually a single white "football" shaped Xanax is 0.25mg.
Those are Hydrocodone 5mg/500mg acetaminophen.
Hydrocodone or Vicodin is a white oval shaped pill with a line in the middle for breaking in half. The brand name says vicodin on it, the generic either will say Watson or M357 to be completely sure if you are trying to identify a pill it is best to ask a licensed pharmacist.
Yes. They are the 40mg Oxys.
Penicillin V Potassium 500mg made by Teva Pharmaceuticals.Should be an oval ( Football Shaped) white pill with imprint 93 on one sideand 1174 on the other.
Its5mg/500you can go to pill idenifer.com to check any pill #
According to the Pill Identifier at Drugs.com, there is no white round pill with 357 imprinted on the surface. If you are talking about hydrocodone/acetaminophen, the pill is white and oblong or capsule shaped.
Football shaped white pill with 93 on one side and 87 on the other is Metformin 500mg. It is the generic form of Glucophage tabs usually given to diabetic type 2 patients.